On an empty road in Oklahoma, an injured, petite woman cautiously steps out of the passenger side of a black Ford v-8 automobile- the windshield covered with bullet holes. Her companions, two other men seemingly in their mid-twenties, are visibly weak and shaken. With their car stuck in mud, they have become what they made so many others in their path- sitting targets.
The trio flag down a passing truck and wave their weapons in the air, demanding to be towed up the road. Another passerby quickly drives by, finding the scene suspicious. He drove on into the nearby town of Commerce and went to the police.
By the time two officers arrived, the truck was gone, but the mysterious trio and their Ford remained.
As was routine procedure, the officers exited their vehicle to investigate, only to hear the woman yell wildly upon noticing them. Now with their weapons drawn, the officers continue to move toward the car.
Two machine guns appeared from the car and began firing at them. Although the officers were able to return three or four shots, one was hit in the abdomen- a bullet severing his spine and making him the final victim of Bonnie and Clyde.
Welcome to True Crime and Headlines. This is Season 1, Episode one.
Host Jules // Host Jo
Original music by Stephen C. Nill AKA "Audio Steve"
This would not be possible without all the hours Audio Steve has given us! Thank you so much for guiding us and helping us so much. We owe ya. We love ya.
Our Amazing Voice Actors:
Clyde- Joseph Barone

Bonnie- Sarah Parish


Go Down Together: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde,